Olivia Ting
Media Designer, Visual Artist
Olivia Ting's fascination with moving images stems from her hearing impairment; she is deaf in one ear and has 22% hearing in the other. Without hearing aids, she perceives nearly no sounds, so the movements stand in for the audio that she is familiar with, but hears and not hears. Formerly a pre-med major at Pomona College, she went on to a second degree in graphic design at Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles. She worked as a graphic designer for brand agencies and design boutiques in New York City for several years before returning to San Francisco, where her work expanded to collaborative video projections with dance choreographers and museum exhibits.
In addition to theater work, Olivia continues to work as a graphic and video media designer. Some of her clients include San Francisco Dance Center, San Francisco Performances, Brooklyn Children’s Museum and San Jose Children's Discovery Museum. She was commissioned to design a permanent exhibit video projection for part of Oakland Museum of California’s Natural History Gallery which re-opened their doors after extensive remodeling in June 2013. In 2016 she collaborated with architect Annette Jannotta on an SFAC commission for the pilot entryway installation of their new gallery space in War Memorial Hall in San Francisco.
She received her MFA Art Practice from U.C. Berkeley and is currently freelancing and developing new work reconnecting with her music background.
Job Title
2nd Generation
San Francisco, CA, USA
AIR Artist

Photo courtesy of the artist